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A secret guaranteed to improve every relationship in your life

Occasionally, I run into people who will ask me if I know of “one thing” that will improve their marriage? Isn’t there “one thing” we can do that will save our marriage. I almost always tell them no. Then I proceed to tell them that there is many things that they can do that will…


The Dependency Paradox: Freedom is found in…

There is a really great principle called the The Dependency Paradox. This states that the ability to depend on a close relationship partner when needed actually allows one to operate more autonymously. This means that the more connected you are to someone, the more dependent upon them you are the more freedom you actually have….


Naughty Naked Skeletons | Psychology Today

Perhaps instead of protest signs, we should be taking large mirrors and fake Halloween skeletons to these leader's speeches. Let's hold up the mirrors, to remind them who they're really talking about, when they rail against deception, moral failings and sexual excess. Make the skeletons dance, to let our leaders know that we're not stupid….


The Expectations Trap | Psychology Today

Attuned to disappointment and confused about its source, we wind up discarding perfectly good relationships. People work themselves up over "the ordinary problems of marriage, for which, by the way, they usually fail to see their own contributions," via www.psychologytoday.com This is a long and interesting article. I think the money quote is quoted above….