1. "I have a secret bank account."
I found this article to be truthful and disturbing. I am afraid that we are almost conditioned to lie to our spouse's in this day and age.
1. "I have a secret bank account."
I found this article to be truthful and disturbing. I am afraid that we are almost conditioned to lie to our spouse's in this day and age.
One of the common issues that I deal with in couples counseling is related to the aftermath of mistakes. A spouse cheats A spouse uses painful words like a scalpel to cut as deeply as possible. An angry outbursts scares the bejezus out of a spouse A secret offense is brought to light. The list…
Introduction Today, we wrap up our series on effective communication. If you missed the previous posts, you can start with the first one here and find the subsequent posts here and here. In this final installment, we’ll explore the importance of staying focused on one issue until it’s resolved. Most importantly, we’ll discuss the value…
Is your marriage mortal? Can it die?
The truth is your marriage, my friend’s marriage and my marriage is mortal. They can all die, which is why we must be vigilant in protecting our marriages. We must cultivate them.
When things are going ravishingly well, we must work at it. When dry and difficult times come we must work at it.
Admitting that our bodies are mortal does not mean that we want to die prematurely. The same is true for marriages. When I was married I made a promise to stay that way until death separated us and I meant it.
Denying that my marriage is mortal doesn’t make that promise any stronger. It does not make my marriage stronger, in fact I think it makes it more vulnerable.
Part one can be found here. Part two can be found here. Focus on the positives If you are fighting with your spouse a lot, chances are good that you are focusing on the negatives. Let’s say that your husband has been promising to get something done in the backyard for months. You keep bringing…
*This post is the fictional conversation that is a fairly typical conversation about being heard** Jane and Robert had met in college. They started out hot and heavy. Married a year later, they moved for his job. While they didn’t like his job or the location of where they lived, they loved each…