Points to Ponder (100 words or less)
Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. -William Feather (17)
Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. -William Feather (17)
My wife shared a heartbreaking story with me the other day. She was talking to someone whose child was bullied at school. The child had been told that a party ended at a certain time so the parents came to pick her up at what they thought was the appointed time. It turns out the…
Forgiveness is only effective when we walk in it. Both people have to walk in it. The person doing the forgiving must give up the hurt, anger and the need for revenge, while the person being forgiven must give up the desire to justify or live in the guilt. Forgiveness is both a one time…
CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS — From the first years of the American republic, a quiet battle has simmered over the words that denote the nation’s soul. And now a count can declare the victors: “achievement” and “fun.” via www.nytimes.com Heard about this article via stayoutofschool.com. What are your thoughts about it? Have we lost sight of excellence?…
The best guests sleep in Three simple letters could inspire the "Hallelujah" chorus: DND, or do not disturb. One sign hanging on a doorknob, and the day's work was shortened by half an hour. Two signs? Pure heaven, but only if they remained there until my eight-hour shift ended—otherwise I'd have to circle back and…
People who take regular exercise during their free time are less likely to have symptoms of depression and anxiety, a study of 40,000 Norwegians has found. via www.bbc.co.uk Check out this article that deals with the effects of exercise and depression.
The church in America is puzzled. Young adults are leaving in droves. Magazines, books and blogs are wagging the finger of blame to point out who is responsible. Some say it is a failure of youth ministry, some point to church budgets and some nail the blame on outdated, unhip worship services. We parents are…
Eventually everyone has to move beyond the wounds and the hurts they experienced as children and learn to parent their own children in a new and better way. The excuse that I didn't have good parents simply won't fly in the end.We need to stop the cycle. Beyond that we need to move to the…
I thought this conference was awesome. I highly recommend it to everyone. In fact, I did recommend it to other pastors in my city.~David Drake, Pastor “I don’t like church. I often find the speakers boring. Not Joe, I could sit and listen to him for hours. Everyone should hear this material.”~Ruth, Grand Rapids Mi…
Hopes and Dreams Everyone has dreams about their relationships, especially their marriage. Sadly, the numbers tell us that many times those hopes and dreams end up fractured and broken. Often, problems in relationships are passed on from one generation to another. Participants who attend Hopes and Dreams will learn proven methods of communication. Each participant…