
Your kid’s an All Star? Wow! Someday he’ll be average like the rest of us. « drinking from the same dipper

The church in America is puzzled. Young adults are leaving in droves. Magazines, books and blogs are wagging the finger of blame to point out who is responsible. Some say it is a failure of youth ministry, some point to church budgets and some nail the blame on outdated, unhip worship services. We parents are…

Hopes and Dreams Comments

I thought this conference was awesome. I highly recommend it to everyone. In fact, I did recommend it to other pastors in my city.~David Drake, Pastor “I don’t like church. I often find the speakers boring. Not Joe, I could sit and listen to him for hours. Everyone should hear this material.”~Ruth, Grand Rapids Mi…

Hopes and Dreams

Hopes and Dreams Everyone has dreams about their relationships, especially their marriage. Sadly, the numbers tell us that many times those hopes and dreams end up fractured and broken. Often, problems in relationships are passed on from one generation to another. Participants who attend Hopes and Dreams will learn proven methods of communication. Each participant…


so you say you want to change. what stage do you find yourself in?

If you are someone who wants to bring change into your life, I encourage you to consider where on this continuum you might find yourself. I cannot tell you how many clients I have spent time with only to have them leave frustrated because they thought that they were in the action step and in reality they were much more in step 1 or step 2. If you are not ready to change, that’s OK. No one is here to judge you for that, but it is important that you find the courage to admit that you are not ready to change yet.