I heard this the other day, what do you think?
"When you take away all of the BS, all of the veneer and remove all of the name calling and blaming that goes on in a divorce 90% of the time what happened was someone didn't want to grow up."
I heard this the other day, what do you think?
"When you take away all of the BS, all of the veneer and remove all of the name calling and blaming that goes on in a divorce 90% of the time what happened was someone didn't want to grow up."
Our lives are full of possibilities. With that comes the potential for failure. When we face failure, we will often face uncomfortable emotions. These emotions can lead us to the conclusion that “it didn’t work.”But was that really the problem?Did it not work? Or….Did we need to keep going until we succeeded? It doesn’t work…
If you'd like to hear more episodes search "The Joe Martino Show" in your favorite podcast player or listen at the link below on SoundCloud. What a year 2020 has been! Can we find the power to create a world that we want even in the midst of a pandemic? I believe we can when…
The following is a post I wrote for a local publication regarding the upcoming school year and dealing with the unknown. I’m not a big fan of July. I especially dislike the middle of July. Not because of the heat. It means school is right around the corner. I hate that because I love having…
In this enlightening episode, join us as we dive into the dynamic interplay between conflict, expectations, and personal growth. Conflict often carries a negative connotation, but what if we reframe it as a catalyst for transformation? Let’s explore how embracing conflict can lead to unexpected opportunities for learning and development. Conflict is one of the…
In our ever increasingly busy society, I fear that we are losing time to educate and learn about relationships. And because of this, our relationships are suffering. Things like personal, emotional and feeling regulation are minimized. As humans, we crave relationships. And for some reason, we seem to be getting worse at doing something healthy…
Part one can be found here and part two can be found here. There is a great scene in the animated movie, The Incredibles. The son Dash is being "encouraged" by his parents. One of his parents tells him that everyone is special. Under his breath he replies, "Then no one is." We are stuck…