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6 rules of communication. Beginning thoughts on conflict.

Conflict is something we all have in life. No matter how good the relationship, people disagree. Typically, we do everything we can to avoid conflict. Some people use aggression to blow the conflict up while others use passiveness and run away. Probably most of us fit somewhere in the middle of those two positions. But…


It’s not the what, it’s the what. Two important questions regarding your desires.

I want to lose 50 pounds…. I want to write a novel… I want to travel to France… I want to help children in Africa… I want to start a small business… I want my marriage to be better than it is… I want my relationship with my child/parent to be restored… We all have…

What is the one thing? Part 3

What is Emotional Security         Emotional security is knowing it is safe to know and be known. Completely known by the people in your life.                  I know a woman who is beautiful. By any definition, she contains all of the outer signs of beauty. She is also smart, articulate and funny. I met her because…

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When what you want is what you fear the most: Narrative thinking about our own plot

I was having a conversation lately with someone who was stuck in a really bad story. She is dating the same guy over and over again. And while his name has changed, his character has been the same. It’s messing with her head.It’s keeping her up at night. It’s making her feel hollow inside. Then…