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257. What is the responsibility of spouses in men’s mental health?

Welcome to part of 4 of our series on men’s mental health. This episode looks at the role a man’s partner plays in his mental health. Women play a crucial role in their husband’s mental health as their wife, often acting as pillars of support, understanding, and empathy. As partners in life, wives possess a…

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Suits and Tattoos; the New Measurement for Your Love of Others?

It often reminds me of the story of the pharisee (a religious man, to be sure) who stood up and loudly proclaimed, “Lord, I thank you that I am not like other men, cheaters, sinners, adulterers….” Of course, the difference today is we would be more likely to hear a prayer about how we thank God that we are not like those poor fools who dress up in suits and miss the whole point of the gospel.
…What would bring his salvation to question? Well, the American Eagle on his shoulder, of course. We’re not all that far from there today, are we? How many people have their love of God questioned because they prefer to wear a suit and tie on Sunday morning?

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256.Society’s Impact on the Mental Health of Men

In this thought-provoking episode, we delve deep into the often overlooked and stigmatized topic of men’s mental health, exploring the profound impact societal expectations, stereotypes, and norms have on the emotional well-being of men. Join us as we unravel the layers of cultural pressures, messages, and systemic barriers that contribute to the silent struggles men…

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255. Men’s Pursuit of Emotional and Mental Wellness(Part 2)

In this podcast episode, the spotlight turns towards a crucial but often overlooked topic – men’s responsibility for their mental health. The discussion encourages men to take ownership of their mental health journey. It explores the men’s dislike for vulnerability and how embracing one’s emotions is a sign of strength, not weakness. Practical strategies and…

No one has to be stuck.

No one has to be stuck.

An obvious risk of our societal obsession with being a victim is that there is little room for optimism. There is a minimal cultural payoff to being optimistic. If our identity is rooted in our victimhood, in the traumas that have befallen us, changing the outcomes of those traumas would be counterintuitive. Optimism- the act of hoping and believing those outcomes could change would not only be counterintuitive but would actually prove to be a threat to collective societal conscience. 

A picture of the logo for the Joe Martino Show

254. Let’s have a Candid Conversation About Men’s Mental Health

The mistreatment of men within society is an often overlooked but significant issue that can have profound effects on men’s mental health. Men are more than 3.5 times more likely to die by suicide than women. Societal expectations and stereotypes impose rigid standards on masculinity, discouraging vulnerability and emotional expression. Men may feel pressured to conform to notions of stoicism, suppressing their emotional struggles. This societal pressure to constantly appear invulnerable can lead to feelings of isolation and inadequacy, exacerbating mental health challenges. Additionally, issues such as the stigma surrounding men seeking help or discussing mental health openly further contribute to the silent suffering experienced by many men. Recognizing and addressing these harmful societal norms is crucial, fostering an environment that encourages emotional expression, empathy, and support for men to maintain their mental well-being.


Effectively Communicating to Bring Health and Healing to Your Relationship

Mike and Ashley came to see me because they wanted their relationship to improve. There were no affairs, and there was no abuse. They just didn’t feel connected. Married for almost 12 years, they had four kids, two dogs, and a lovely house. Their cars were paid off, and they had very little debt. He worked…

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Podcast Episode 253. Let’s Examine Ourselves to Create a Better Society.

Recently, my daughters and I watched the newest Hunger Games movie, and it hit me. We are not far from the world depicted in the film in how we treat each other.The mindset that makes that world possible is an “us versus them” mindset that sets a person’s value based on what group they live…