Points to Ponder (100 Words or Less)
Most people are desperately insecure and in need of affirmation. (10) ~Dan Simmons, Pastor, New Community Baptist Church, Strongsville Ohio
Most people are desperately insecure and in need of affirmation. (10) ~Dan Simmons, Pastor, New Community Baptist Church, Strongsville Ohio
"Many students lack acceptance of internal events like sadness, anger and anxiety," says Jacqueline Pistorello, Ph.D., of the University of Nevada at Reno. She sees such widespread problem behaviors as drinking and self-cutting as attempts by students to dissipate sadness and anxiety. College mental health directors report that the last four years has seen a…
"Most likely the in your life, the problem is not the problem. The way you are dealing with the problem is actually the problem." ~Robert Lehman, PhD, LPC (27)
According to recent research, the average person makes 200 decisions every day that will influence his or her weight. And most of these decisions aren’t monumental choices, like “Should I become an elite marathon runner?” or “Should I move to Wisconsin and live entirely on bratwurst and cheese curds?” Most, in fact, are tiny little…
In relationships, you always have to choose between influence and control. (9)
Bowlby (1969) theorized that there were four interrelated behavioral systems that govern human behavior – attachment, caregiving, exploration, and sex. Of these, Bowlby recognized the attachment system, which moti- vates children and adults to seek safety and security through close contact with attachment figures, as being of primary importance in regulating the other systems. ~Taken…
A Texas man declared innocent Tuesday after 30 years in prison could have cut short his prison stint twice and made parole — if only he would admit he was a sex offender. via news.yahoo.com I'm going to interrupt my normally scheduled posting to post this article. I am against the death penalty as it…
If you are licensed to counsel people in the fine state of Michigan, I am excited to announce that Creative Solutions Counseling is looking for Associates. If you want the benefit of having your own practice and the opportunities and companionship that come with not having to do it alone, shoot me an email. We…
So often we allow our thoughts to run unexamined through our brain. Often those thoughts lead to negative behaviors. Below is a list of 8 limited thinking patterns that I will often explore with clients. They are taken from the book Thoughts & Feelings by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis and Patrick Fanning. It is a…
One of the central facets of addiction is the unwillingness to take responsibility. Without exercising the all-important watershed of self-responsibility, breaking the compulsive cycle that leads to addictive behavior is all but impossible. Systems like AA or the Minnesota Model, which allow the abdication of self-responsibility to The Program, The Meeting, The Sponsor and even…