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Book Review: Hope, Help and Healing for Eating Disorders by Gregory Jantz

Dr. Gregory L Jantz’s book, Hope, Help and Healing for Eating Disorders deals with both “eating disorders” and “disordered eating.”  As a Counselor I was immediately drawn to this book. It seems in our society, overweight people are the last  people group that it is OK to mock and make fun of for our enjoyment….

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Lessons from College | Psychology Today

"Many students lack acceptance of internal events like sadness, anger and anxiety," says Jacqueline Pistorello, Ph.D., of the University of Nevada at Reno. She sees such widespread problem behaviors as drinking and self-cutting as attempts by students to dissipate sadness and anxiety. College mental health directors report that the last four years has seen a…

Attachment Theory

Bowlby (1969) theorized that there were four interrelated behavioral systems that govern human behavior – attachment, caregiving, exploration, and sex. Of these, Bowlby recognized the attachment system, which moti- vates children and adults to seek safety and security through close contact with attachment figures, as being of primary importance in regulating the other systems. ~Taken…