Points to Ponder (100 words or less)
It is often painful — sometimes downright traumatic–for people who have effected a change within themselves to re-enter a society where nothing has changed. (24) – M.Scott Peck
It is often painful — sometimes downright traumatic–for people who have effected a change within themselves to re-enter a society where nothing has changed. (24) – M.Scott Peck
The tipping point is really about our perspective. Rather than maintaining ourselves in a place where we are exercising an evolved sense of "me-and-you" (ethno-centricity), we can get stuck in "it's all about me" (ego-centricity) — especially when confronted with the strong emotions of another person, or an emotionally charged situation. That sort of thinking…
A truth of relationships that is often overlooked and pushed back against is the truth that your spouse should be more important to you than your children. In fact, nothing on this earth should be more important than your spouse. I know this goes against our cultural values but let's be honest, our cultural values…
There is a really great principle called the The Dependency Paradox. This states that the ability to depend on a close relationship partner when needed actually allows one to operate more autonymously. This means that the more connected you are to someone, the more dependent upon them you are the more freedom you actually have….
Perhaps the greatest gift we can give our children is to teach them to live like they are loved. (16)
Voluntary Madness is a disappointing book. I was intriqued by the premise of the book and the writing started out all right. Ms. Vincent "voluntarily" checks herself into three separate mental health organizations in attempt to bring down the system around our ears. She sets out to expose the big bad system. She doesn't actually…
Inconsistent messages tear at the fabric of any connection we have with our children.
Love is sacrifice. When we start to demand our rights we have stopped loving our spouse or our kids. When we stop sacrificing, we stop loving. Love goes against logic, which tells us to look out for ourselves first and foremost. Love and sacrifice cannot be seperated. (47)
Dr. Gregory L Jantz’s book, Hope, Help and Healing for Eating Disorders deals with both “eating disorders” and “disordered eating.” As a Counselor I was immediately drawn to this book. It seems in our society, overweight people are the last people group that it is OK to mock and make fun of for our enjoyment….
Savings, investment, and lifestyle strategies for all ages. via financiallyfit.yahoo.com I thought this was an interesting article. What do you think?