
The Expectations Trap | Psychology Today

Attuned to disappointment and confused about its source, we wind up discarding perfectly good relationships. People work themselves up over "the ordinary problems of marriage, for which, by the way, they usually fail to see their own contributions," via www.psychologytoday.com This is a long and interesting article. I think the money quote is quoted above….


America and the ‘Fun’ Generation – NYTimes.com

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS — From the first years of the American republic, a quiet battle has simmered over the words that denote the nation’s soul. And now a count can declare the victors: “achievement” and “fun.” via www.nytimes.com Heard about this article via stayoutofschool.com. What are your thoughts about it? Have we lost sight of excellence?…


Your kid’s an All Star? Wow! Someday he’ll be average like the rest of us. « drinking from the same dipper

The church in America is puzzled. Young adults are leaving in droves. Magazines, books and blogs are wagging the finger of blame to point out who is responsible. Some say it is a failure of youth ministry, some point to church budgets and some nail the blame on outdated, unhip worship services. We parents are…