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Podcast Episode 253. Let’s Examine Ourselves to Create a Better Society.

Recently, my daughters and I watched the newest Hunger Games movie, and it hit me. We are not far from the world depicted in the film in how we treat each other.The mindset that makes that world possible is an “us versus them” mindset that sets a person’s value based on what group they live…

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Your life is written by the choices you make: Thoughts provoked by Hamilton the Musical

My daughter asked me what I thought about the musical and I told her that I loved it because I believe there are only two stories ever told; stories of brokenness and stories of redemption. Sometimes, both brokenness and redemption are weaved throughout the story.
To me, that is what makes Hamilton so profound. It tells the story of brokenness and redemption. It shows the messiness that is life.


If you want to start something new, you’ll need to stop something old

I often meet people who tell me about their wishes. Sometimes, they call these wishes goals and I call them wishes. They want to do this thing they're talking about…. ……build a business     ……start a non-profit         …….go back to school             …..write a novel                 ……get healthier                     ….do something they are…