So many people want to change but feel as though they are stuck forever in the same repetitive and destructive cycles. This podcast episode deals with the necessary process to change.
Find it here.
So many people want to change but feel as though they are stuck forever in the same repetitive and destructive cycles. This podcast episode deals with the necessary process to change.
Find it here.
This part of a continuing series on Relational Equity. Part 1 can be found here Part 2 can be found here Part 3 can be found here The Problem is the word Eventually An obvious question is doesn’t that make it impossible? I mean, who’s going to do something and not expect anything in return?…
Let’s talk about change. Why is change so hard? Why do so many people set out to change and fail? Why can two people in almost the exact same situation go through the same change interventions and one actually changes, and one doesn’t? I think there are a lot of reasons that answers these questions….
When you hear something, does your mind tend to run to the negative or the positive? This video deals with how you can train yourself to be more free by looking at things with generous assumptions. In the absence of facts to cause you to look elsewhere, consider the benefit of pursuing the most generous…
I'd like to think that we all want to listen to each other. I would like to believe that almost everyone I meet wants to be an excellent listener. And yet the chaos of our world often feels overwhelming. It can often seem like everywhere I turn, I see people who are not listening Even…
Our greatest opportunities will often come with the greatest possibility of failure. May we engage those opportunities with courage. May we welcome all who come as competition and simultaneously want to beat them.
May we elevate ourselves and those around us to greatness. And may we define greatness as the ability to put everything we have into whatever endeavor it is that we’re doing.
This post is the first in a randomly posted series of “Friday Book Reviews.” If you have a book that you would like me to review, let me know and maybe I’ll add it to my list. The Hunger Games has caused quite a stir in my little corner of the world. I saw comment…