So is this an inspired move to get those marginal students on track and learning, or just another way in which we’re coddling underachieving kids and hobbling the rest? Parents, educators and students are divided.

Mary Mathewson, an English teacher at Potomac High tells the Post that the new standard not only cripples teachers in that it "takes away one of the very few tools [they] have to get kids to learn," but it gives them “an out,” resulting in a system in which “kids are under the impression they can do it whenever they want to, and it's not that big of a deal.”



Our education system gets a lot of press both good and bad. What do you think about non-traditional grading systems?

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One Comment

  1. I’ve argued for both traditional and non-traditional grading. I don’t think grading is the issue. I’m more convinced that the education system is carryover from the industrial age. One size fits all rarely works. Intelligence is diverse, just as personalities are.
    For some grading is a hindrance, others it is a benefit. Some can earn straight A’s but learn nothing, others get C’s but are avid learners and problem solvers.
    I do not have an answer on how to make education fit the diversity of its students, but I do believe that is the direction it needs to go.

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