I heard this the other day, what do you think?
"When you take away all of the BS, all of the veneer and remove all of the name calling and blaming that goes on in a divorce 90% of the time what happened was someone didn't want to grow up."
I heard this the other day, what do you think?
"When you take away all of the BS, all of the veneer and remove all of the name calling and blaming that goes on in a divorce 90% of the time what happened was someone didn't want to grow up."
We are a heard deprived society. Take a moment and list out how many people you feel have really heard you over the years? Not just the words coming out of your mouth but the emotion and soul behind those words. How long is the list? When I ask clients this question, I am often…
In this episode, we dive deep into the intricate and often uncomfortable process of challenging our beliefs. Join me as I explore the psychological and social mechanisms that make it so difficult to question the ideas we hold dear. We’ll delve into new research on screen time, touch on the ever-controversial topic of politics, and…
I will be posting my answer to last week’s Joe Knows question on Wednesday. You can find last week’s question here. We’ve had some great answers given to last week’s question regarding family vacations. Here’s this week’s question: Hi Joe, My wife and I have four children. Our oldest is 19. She won’t do anything…
Introduction: This week, we continue our journey through the six rules of communication. I recommend starting with parts one and two, if you’ve not read them yet. Today, we’ll explore how to engage in conflict once we have identified that there is a problem that needs addressing. I love these ideas because they have been…
Don’t engage in fear shaming. Regardless of how you feel about the response to this situation, please avoid fear shaming. This particular virus of shame cuts both ways.
You’re not an idiot because something bad happened like you lost $100 that you can’t afford to lose. You’re not shameful because someone molested or raped you as a child. You didn’t deserve to be raped because you were drunk at a party. Your worth isn’t diminished because your father didn’t know how to adequately love you. You’re not worthless because your mom took every chance she could to remind you that you were an accident that wasn’t planned.
I do not believe you are an accident. I do believe you have worth.