I heard this the other day, what do you think?
"When you take away all of the BS, all of the veneer and remove all of the name calling and blaming that goes on in a divorce 90% of the time what happened was someone didn't want to grow up."
I heard this the other day, what do you think?
"When you take away all of the BS, all of the veneer and remove all of the name calling and blaming that goes on in a divorce 90% of the time what happened was someone didn't want to grow up."
Yesterday, I was interviewed by a local news agency regarding domestic violence and hero worship. You can see the interview below. By now, you've probably seen the video of Ray Rice knocking his then fiance out. It's a violent and disturbing video. Perhaps more disturbing to me is how we handle the reality of domestic…
People who have learned to be content (and from contentment comes happiness) realize that the things that happen outside of them do not control them. …If you know someone who is angry at the world, the best most loving thing you can do is to call them on it.
Let me tell you what this post is not. It is not a slam on video games. In fact, I bought the video game in question yesterday. I intend to play at some point in the next two days. I was in a meeting with a number of other counselors yesterday and one of them…
In graduate school I had to take extra classes because of the institution that I attended. Many of these extra classes were put together in a string. One of those strings was a connection of three theology classes. Normally, these classes would be have been taught by three different professors. Due to a confluence of…
In this episode, we delve into the profound importance of showing up for friends and exploring the myriad ways in which our presence can be the greatest gift we offer. From celebrating their successes to holding space during their struggles, being there for our friends transcends mere convenience—it’s a cornerstone of meaningful connection. It is…
Dates have to be adaptive. If you have children, this is just a reality of life. You cannot expect life to continue at your pace. If you don’t have children, you still know what I’m talking about. This past week, my wife and I planned our first date for the challenge early in the week….