I heard this the other day, what do you think?
"When you take away all of the BS, all of the veneer and remove all of the name calling and blaming that goes on in a divorce 90% of the time what happened was someone didn't want to grow up."
I heard this the other day, what do you think?
"When you take away all of the BS, all of the veneer and remove all of the name calling and blaming that goes on in a divorce 90% of the time what happened was someone didn't want to grow up."
We all have arguments and disagreements. It seems to me in the past, we have decided to stop having uncomfortable conversations because they typically go wrong. Here are ten skills that you can start incorporating into difficult conversations right away. I believe they will help us all have better difficult conversations. Seek to understand the…
The truth is your marriage, my friend’s marriage and my marriage is mortal. They can all die, which is why we must be vigilant in protecting our marriages. We must cultivate them.
When things are going ravishingly well, we must work at it. When dry and difficult times come we must work at it.
Admitting that our bodies are mortal does not mean that we want to die prematurely. The same is true for marriages. When I was married I made a promise to stay that way until death separated us and I meant it.
Denying that my marriage is mortal doesn’t make that promise any stronger. It does not make my marriage stronger, in fact I think it makes it more vulnerable.
This part of a continuing series on Relational Equity. Part 1 can be found here Part 2 can be found here Part 3 can be found here Part 4 can be found here How is relational equity built? There are a myriad of ways that couples can build equity into their relationship. Being intentional with…
Introduction: When I was going through pre-marital counseling with the pastor who would perform our service, he shared four rules with my wife to transform our communication. About two years later, working at a 501c3, I was asked to do some marriage counseling by a couple that was in real trouble. I had no idea…
The other day, I dropped my son off at youth group, which gave me an opportunity to process my emotions. Growing up, I wasn’t exactly the kind of kid who fit in easily. I was awkward and, if I’m being honest, probably a bit strange.My son and I had a great weekend. We spent most…
Question your assumptions and you will be a better parent.