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Your Health Insurance Company is Working Against You

They probably send you a happy birthday every year and they probably kill half of a Forrest sending you information about how they are for you but let me tell you an honest truth: Your insurance company is working against you. Especially, when it comes to your mental health.   Let me give you an…

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Nordstrom’s Employee Handbook — short and sweet – (37signals)

Nordstrom Rules: Rule #1: Use best judgment in all situations. There will be no additional rules. via 37signals.com I found this by accident. I find it very interesting on a lot of levels.   And yes, this is my signal that I am back to blogging. I will try to put out two posts a…

Creative Solutions Counseling Launches First-of-its-Kind Mental Health Urgent Care Program in West Michigan

Creative Solutions Counseling Launches First-of-its-Kind Mental Health Urgent Care Program in West Michigan CSC NOW gives clients the ability to be seen promptly for their urgent mental health needs without having to wait for an appointment. GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan – Sep. 23, 2014 – All it takes is a fight with your spouse, a bad…

5 Truths about Parenting

Parenting is about shaping the adult your child will and is becoming. Parenting is about building trust and teaching real, honest vulnerability. Parenting is about inviting your children into adulthood, which means we have to teach them to think. This means they may grow up to think differently than we do. Parenting is about teaching…

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What do we do with Ray Rice, Domestic Violence and how do we talk to our kids?

Yesterday, I was interviewed by a local news agency regarding domestic violence and hero worship. You can see the interview below. By now, you've probably seen the video of Ray Rice knocking his then fiance out. It's a violent and disturbing video. Perhaps more disturbing to me is how we handle the reality of domestic…