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Three things that healthy couples do.

When stress enters the narratives of a relationship, people are often tempted to try and jump directly to problem solving. This is problematic because they are often not in the right place to effectively problem solve. Try the two steps listed below, first.  Three Things that Every Healthy Couple Does: 1. De-escalate stress points. In…

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Your Marriage is Mortal, It can die. You Can Keep It Alive

The truth is your marriage, my friend’s marriage and my marriage is mortal. They can all die, which is why we must be vigilant in protecting our marriages. We must cultivate them.
When things are going ravishingly well, we must work at it. When dry and difficult times come we must work at it.
Admitting that our bodies are mortal does not mean that we want to die prematurely. The same is true for marriages. When I was married I made a promise to stay that way until death separated us and I meant it.
Denying that my marriage is mortal doesn’t make that promise any stronger. It does not make my marriage stronger, in fact I think it makes it more vulnerable.


At the Joe Martino Counseling Network, we want to make counseling as convenient as possible for you.  We have three offices located in the Greater West Michigan area. Grand Rapids. Creative Solutions Counseling We have an office on East Paris Ave called Creative Solutions Counseling. You can find more information by clicking here. Lowell. Joe…

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It’s not what happens, it’s how we attach meaning that matters

I was talking to a seasoned couple the other day. They were relaying a story that had happened to them in their everyday life.  They were laughing about it. I asked them if they understood how many couples would have been fighting over the very same thing that they were laughing about. The husband looked…