And so we retreat, back to what we’ve always known. There is
a suffocating comfort to it all. Letting go is not easy. The hoarders we see on
TV who are stockpiling cats and newspapers have nothing on us emotional
hoarders. At least the things they refuse to give up create physical piles
before their eyes. They stink and cause a scene that can’t be ignored. On the
other hand, the dreams you’ve always had but refuse to actually work on tend to
create hidden piles you don’t have to look at unless you really force yourself
to. The hopes you refuse to edit and learn to master don’t rot so tangibly— at
least at first.

Acuff, Jon (2013-04-23). Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do
Work That Matters (p. 106). Lampo Press. Kindle Edition.

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