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Your Marriage is Mortal, It can die. You Can Keep It Alive

The truth is your marriage, my friend’s marriage and my marriage is mortal. They can all die, which is why we must be vigilant in protecting our marriages. We must cultivate them.
When things are going ravishingly well, we must work at it. When dry and difficult times come we must work at it.
Admitting that our bodies are mortal does not mean that we want to die prematurely. The same is true for marriages. When I was married I made a promise to stay that way until death separated us and I meant it.
Denying that my marriage is mortal doesn’t make that promise any stronger. It does not make my marriage stronger, in fact I think it makes it more vulnerable.


At the Joe Martino Counseling Network, we want to make counseling as convenient as possible for you.  We have three offices located in the Greater West Michigan area. Grand Rapids. Creative Solutions Counseling We have an office on East Paris Ave called Creative Solutions Counseling. You can find more information by clicking here. Lowell. Joe…


Sexual Abuse: The conversation we all need to have

We start a very difficult topic today over at our blog on Creative Solutions.  We are starting a conversation about the issue of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is happening or has happened to people you know. Th statistics are absolutely scary. The topic is uncomfortable. The conversation is absolutely necessary. Understanding the implications of this…


The Expectations Trap | Psychology Today

Attuned to disappointment and confused about its source, we wind up discarding perfectly good relationships. People work themselves up over "the ordinary problems of marriage, for which, by the way, they usually fail to see their own contributions," via www.psychologytoday.com This is a long and interesting article. I think the money quote is quoted above….