Build Your Relationship, Don’t Burn it Down.
You can’t build something you burn down.
You can’t build something you burn down.
Introduction: This week, we continue our journey through the six rules of communication. I recommend starting with parts one and two, if you’ve not read them yet. Today, we’ll explore how to engage in conflict once we have identified that there is a problem that needs addressing. I love these ideas because they have been…
Episode 271 is now live. In this insightful episode, we dive into one of the most challenging and nuanced aspects of family dynamics: loving your elderly toxic parents while maintaining healthy boundaries. Many of us struggle with the complex emotions that arise from dealing with toxic behaviors in those who raised us, especially as they…
Ever felt like you’re paddling through life in a one-sided canoe, going in circles without progress? In this episode, we delve into the analogy of canoeing to explore how embracing tension and distress can actually propel us forward. Just like navigating the currents, acknowledging the challenges in our lives and actively seeking solutions can lead…
This article delves into the vital balance between accepting and confronting our emotions, emphasizing how embracing our feelings fosters personal development and enhances our decision-making. It offers actionable strategies to cultivate emotional acceptance and elucidates its profound advantages. Introduction to Accepting and Challenging Feelings Emotional acceptance is a transformative process that plays a vital role…
Breaking the Cycle: Healing from Toxic Parenting – Dive into the profound impact toxic parenting has on children’s mental and emotional well-being, echoing into the adults they become! Uncover the telltale signs of toxic parenting behaviors and grasp the correlation between parental psychological abuse and mental health. Empower yourself with effective strategies for breaking the cycle and embarking on a journey of healing from past trauma. This installment marks the second part of an enlightening series, laying the groundwork for future explorations into this critical topic. You can find part one
Discover three effective habits for good self-care, including setting boundaries with No Meeting Mondays, starting the day with pleasure and beauty, and decluttering life from negativity. These habits can enhance overall well-being, reduce stress levels, and improve work-life balance. Three habits for good self care Self-care is not just about pampering oneself with occasional treats…
Overview of Toxic Parenting Toxic parenting is a term used to describe behaviors that detrimentally affect a child’s physical and emotional health, with long-lasting implications. In addition to the common traits mentioned earlier, toxic parents may also exhibit traits like emotional neglect, where they fail to provide the necessary emotional support and validation to their children. For…
The following is an expert from The Emotionally Secure Couple. Chapter 8 deals with conflict. The book can be bought wherever quality books are sold and at our offices. Storytellers love conflict. Seriously. Think about our modern-day bards—they all tell tales of high conflict. This conflict gives the hero or heroine in the story purpose…
Accommodating people who need help seems like a no-brainer. And often it is exactly that; wheelchair access for people, seat accommodations for people with sight needs, readers for people with dyslexia all seem like solutions that are nearly moral obligations. And yet, are aspects of accommodation culture hurting the people we are trying to help?…