
It’s not the what, it’s the what. Two important questions regarding your desires.

I want to lose 50 pounds…. I want to write a novel… I want to travel to France… I want to help children in Africa… I want to start a small business… I want my marriage to be better than it is… I want my relationship with my child/parent to be restored… We all have…

What is the one thing? Part 3

What is Emotional Security         Emotional security is knowing it is safe to know and be known. Completely known by the people in your life.                  I know a woman who is beautiful. By any definition, she contains all of the outer signs of beauty. She is also smart, articulate and funny. I met her because…

What is the one thing? Part 2

        Yesterday, I asked, what is the one thing? What do you believe is that one thing necessary for a happy marriage. I promised that I would answer the question today, so here it is.         My answer to the question is emotional security. If you have emotional security, you will have a relationship that will not…