To effectively live well, we must take ownership of our own life. We have to both accept what has happened and look with a plan toward the future.
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To effectively live well, we must take ownership of our own life. We have to both accept what has happened and look with a plan toward the future.
Download it in your favorite podcast player or click on the Sound Cloud link above.
Accommodating people who need help seems like a no-brainer. And often it is exactly that; wheelchair access for people, seat accommodations for people with sight needs, readers for people with dyslexia all seem like solutions that are nearly moral obligations. And yet, are aspects of accommodation culture hurting the people we are trying to help?…
Breaking the Cycle: Healing from Toxic Parenting – Dive into the profound impact toxic parenting has on children’s mental and emotional well-being, echoing into the adults they become! Uncover the telltale signs of toxic parenting behaviors and grasp the correlation between parental psychological abuse and mental health. Empower yourself with effective strategies for breaking the cycle and embarking on a journey of healing from past trauma. This installment marks the second part of an enlightening series, laying the groundwork for future explorations into this critical topic. You can find part one
Here is my fourth YouTube offering. In this video, I explore the three steps for problem solving. So many couples get into trouble in their conversation because they end up trying to go directly to step #3. Watch the video below and let me know what you think. Thanks.
We want to attempt to meet that need. This clinic is our attempt to do that. The Urgent Care Center at JMCN will provide urgent care mental health therapy for people who feel they are in a mental health crisis but cannot see their normal clinician for a period of time. We also want to serve those who do not have a normal clinician and cannot get in to see their preferred clinician in a timely manner.
I often meet people who tell me about their wishes. Sometimes, they call these wishes goals and I call them wishes. They want to do this thing they're talking about…. ……build a business ……start a non-profit …….go back to school …..write a novel ……get healthier ….do something they are…
In this episode, we’re diving into the art of communication and the magic of intimacy. Join us as we uncover 10 transformative points that will improve how you connect with others and deepen the bonds of intimacy in your relationships. From practical tips on expectations to the importance of vulnerability and emotional posture, each point…