Have you heard about the now clinic coming to Grand Rapids? Sometimes, you need to be heard today.
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Bad Therapy: A Book that People Will Love or Hate
I have been telling my friends for years that conservatives were going to be coming for therapy. And in many ways, it’s deserved. We have more money, time, resources, and energy focused on mental health and don’t have results that match. Therapy is mainly run by people with a liberal orientation to life and politics. As such, it is an easy target for conservatives to attack as we seem to embrace the ever-dividing line of ideology in our country. But that doesn’t absolve therapy or therapists from answering some very legitimate questions about treatment, how we do it, and what outcomes we’re getting from our current efforts.
If you had a friend that talked to you like you do, would you still be friends?
You’re not an idiot because something bad happened like you lost $100 that you can’t afford to lose. You’re not shameful because someone molested or raped you as a child. You didn’t deserve to be raped because you were drunk at a party. Your worth isn’t diminished because your father didn’t know how to adequately love you. You’re not worthless because your mom took every chance she could to remind you that you were an accident that wasn’t planned.
I do not believe you are an accident. I do believe you have worth.
Interviewed by our Local News Station, Wood T.V. 8
Here is an interview I was able to give to a local news station regarding the impact of sexual assaults on students.
Dealing with the winter blues
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Three things that healthy couples do.
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Is There Value In Talking About Uncomfortable Topics?
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