Is it just me or do you think that assumptions get a bad rap?
I'm going crazy busy preparing for this week's Hopes and Dreams Marriage conference and seeing clients, so I don't have a lot of time to flesh this idea out but I want to share something that I am convinced is true.

A number of years ago a man shared this truth with me. It has changed the way I interact with others and I believe it can improve any relationship in your life. 

The assumption is this:

Almost everyone you meet is desperately insecure and in need of affirmation.

I suppose there is no way that I can empirically prove this assumption but I think it is true and I imagine many of you do as well.

The question is do we live it out as truth?

Here are three ways that I have found that help me live this out:

  1. Intentionally make eye contact in a congenial way with the person.
  2. Intentionally offer them a sincere compliment.
  3. Tell the person that you appreciate them.

I have found that these work for me. What have you found that works for you?


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