It is often painful — sometimes downright traumatic–for people who have effected a change within themselves to re-enter a society where nothing has changed. (24)
– M.Scott Peck
It is often painful — sometimes downright traumatic–for people who have effected a change within themselves to re-enter a society where nothing has changed. (24)
– M.Scott Peck
If I asked you how a person came to feelings, you would probably believe that the following steps are the process for how we go from an event to a feeling is something like this: Something happens I have a belief about what happened. I have an emotional reaction (a feeling or emotion) to what…
People who attempt change, who want to fight against the status quo of their lives will fail more than people who do not worry about changing. Failure is part of the process. If we are going to successfully change something, we will have to overcome
Obviously, the counselor is not that well trained and did not get a very good education. Her ears must be plugged, or she’s just a terrible listener. So the client tries again to explain that while he really does need to make a few changes what really needs to happen is:
I often meet people who tell me about their wishes. Sometimes, they call these wishes goals and I call them wishes. They want to do this thing they're talking about…. ……build a business ……start a non-profit …….go back to school …..write a novel ……get healthier ….do something they are…
The following continues my wife’s thoughts about lessons learned while we have been doing home repairs and facelifts. It was a crazy work week filled with the everyday hustle and bustle of running a business. I usually work three thirteen-hour days, so I have more flexibility on Thursday and Friday. The crazy week at work…
I used to love the show Law and Order. It was a show I'd watch with my mom when I was younger. I've even written CBS to see if they would be willing to do a show called "Law and Order: Grand Rapids." Ok, I made that part up. I probably will not get as…
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Hi, Joe! Thanks for stopping by. Here’s a link to my thoughts on Sacred Rhythms –