New Podcast Episode: 123. Make A Small Shift In Your Thinking To Improve Your Stress Response

With the election and holidays coming, many people are experiencing more anxiety and stress. That's before we talk about things like Covid. This podcast episode deals with a simple yet profound shift in our thinking approach to stressful things. If you'd like to hear more episodes feel free to search "The Joe Martino Show" in…

Change takes time

Joe, we have a problem. If you're like most people I know, there is probably something about your life that you'd like to change.  If you're like some people I know, you've probably engaged the change process to some extent. And you've probably experienced distress and disappointment because you didn't accomplish what you set out…

Thinking About Therapy? Some Common Questions.

The following is a post I wrote for a local publication. Thinking About Therapy? Let’s talk about some common questions. (Part 1) With the pandemic going on, our lives are continually facing difficulties and disappointments from last year’s lost graduations to lost sports seasons. Some are undoubtedly minor inconveniences, while others are events and possibilities…

Respond, Don’t React–Live in tension. What a dumpster taught me about good decision making

Tuesdays are long days for me. I usually leave the house around 7:30 and I don't typically leave my office until about 9:15 that night. Usually, the trip home is punctuated with a stop at the dumpster to throw trash out. For a couple of months, I would transport the trash from our Grand Rapids…

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Live in Wisdom: How do we respond well in difficult situations?

Why haven't you been _______? I was recently asked, "Hey, why haven't I seen you at ________?" I left the place blank on purpose because it doesn't necessarily matter what you put in that blank, you probably haven't seen me in a lot of places. Some people have asked from, what I believe, is a…

When we encounter injustice: Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

To fight injustice, live a life of justice. Call those around you to live a life of justice. Show mercy to those around you. Show love to those around you. Walk humbly in the world around you. Life is hard and can be difficult to navigate, but it really shouldn’t be that hard to navigate what it means to be kind and to treat people-even people who have committed crimes with dignity.

Dealing with the loss of loved ones. Grief hope and our mired mess of emotions

There was an ancient writer who once wrote that it is better to go to a funeral than to a party. Because when we go to a funeral we are more likely to take account of our lives. At a funeral we are more likely to measure the number of days that we have which of the same writer wrote is a great way to get wisdom.