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Change, Vulnerability, Shame and Brené Brown

As a counselor, I am often tasked with helping people create and experience change in their lives. I often walk this road with couples. I often talk to them about the fact that they have to choose to be vulnerable or to not be vulnerable, but without vulnerability I don't know how change happens. The…

Suicide prevention week

This week is suicide awareness/prevention week. 1 million people commit suicide every year worldwide In the US 11 people out of every 100,000 will commit suicide this year Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in America It’s estimated that 12 to 25 attempts happen for every one that succeeds It is believed that…

Guilt, shame and parenting. Sandwich sign parenting won’t work

Yesterday I talked about the three levels of thinking and how they effect life. I promised to talk about this woman and the parenting style of shame and fear. Then the conversation had some great questions about how exactly does it look to discipline with an eye toward teaching moral reasoning versus just punishment. I’d…