I am Cancer?

I am…. There are rarely two more pregnant words in the English language than these two words. I am… I am a husband I am a dad I am a small business owner I am…. and suddenly all sorts of endless possibilities erupt into our thinking. One that I don’t hear that often is “I…

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9 year old dies: the result of stupid parenting techniques gaining traction

People wonder why I am so adamant about not indulging in these types parenting techniques. My post on the gentleman that shot his daughters computer generated a lot of discussion on here and on my personal Facebook page. This little girl died and my fear is that if she had not died, then people would…

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Whitney Houston and our own Narrative thinking

Unless, you’ve been secluded from society this weekend, you learned that Whitney Houston died this weekend. I don’t know why and to be honest, I’m ok not knowing. This post really isn’t about Whitney. Have you ever had someone force a plot on you that you didn’t feel was fair? They assigned motives to your…

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When what you want is what you fear the most: Narrative thinking about our own plot

I was having a conversation lately with someone who was stuck in a really bad story. She is dating the same guy over and over again. And while his name has changed, his character has been the same. It’s messing with her head.It’s keeping her up at night. It’s making her feel hollow inside. Then…