Points to Ponder (100 words or less)
Action indeed is the sole medium for the expression of ethics. ~Jane Adams (13)
Action indeed is the sole medium for the expression of ethics. ~Jane Adams (13)
How effective is counseling? That's a great question that I think a lot of people often ask. It can seem like just a bunch of talking and not much else perhaps. But according to G. Corey in Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotheraphy, research indicates that the "average treated client is better off than…
4 Potential Myths:
1. Self-Change is Simple
2. It Just Takes Willpower
If you are someone who wants to bring change into your life, I encourage you to consider where on this continuum you might find yourself. I cannot tell you how many clients I have spent time with only to have them leave frustrated because they thought that they were in the action step and in reality they were much more in step 1 or step 2. If you are not ready to change, that’s OK. No one is here to judge you for that, but it is important that you find the courage to admit that you are not ready to change yet.
Obviously, the counselor is not that well trained and did not get a very good education. Her ears must be plugged, or she’s just a terrible listener. So the client tries again to explain that while he really does need to make a few changes what really needs to happen is: