Pondering our Emotions
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Challenge and Accept Your Emotions for Personal Growth

This article delves into the vital balance between accepting and confronting our emotions, emphasizing how embracing our feelings fosters personal development and enhances our decision-making. It offers actionable strategies to cultivate emotional acceptance and elucidates its profound advantages. Introduction to Accepting and Challenging Feelings Emotional acceptance is a transformative process that plays a vital role…

No one has to be stuck.

No one has to be stuck.

An obvious risk of our societal obsession with being a victim is that there is little room for optimism. There is a minimal cultural payoff to being optimistic. If our identity is rooted in our victimhood, in the traumas that have befallen us, changing the outcomes of those traumas would be counterintuitive. Optimism- the act of hoping and believing those outcomes could change would not only be counterintuitive but would actually prove to be a threat to collective societal conscience. 

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If you had a friend that talked to you like you do, would you still be friends?

You’re not an idiot because something bad happened like you lost $100 that you can’t afford to lose. You’re not shameful because someone molested or raped you as a child. You didn’t deserve to be raped because you were drunk at a party. Your worth isn’t diminished because your father didn’t know how to adequately love you. You’re not worthless because your mom took every chance she could to remind you that you were an accident that wasn’t planned.
I do not believe you are an accident. I do believe you have worth.

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It’s time to move past comparative pain and passions

I admit the world is an interesting place to me. I’m not typically someone who laments life. I don’t always agree with stuff I hear and I’m often willing to engage it with the person. I joke with my friends about poking the bear.  Interacting with others about how they feel and think is sometimes,…