Point to ponder (100 words or less)
“Work hard enough, long enough and eventually success becomes a mathematical equation.” ~Dr. Robert Lehman
“Work hard enough, long enough and eventually success becomes a mathematical equation.” ~Dr. Robert Lehman
Yesterday I asked for people to define bullying. I had a few people offer definitions in private communication, a few on my facebook wall and one here on my blog. Steve, very poignantly stated, "The more I think about it, the less sure I become of what my definition is." Thanks for the honesty Steve….
October is bully awareness month. Now, I will admit that I am a touch cynical and at first, I was wondering why we need to be aware of bullies. I mean, hasn’t it always been preached that we should just ignore bullies? Now, they get their own month? All joking aside, bullying is a very…
"Too often we give our children answers to remember rather than problems to solve." (14) ~Roger Lewin (as quoted by @AutismTips on Twitter).
Steve Jobs gave this quote in his address to graduating students at Stanford in 2005. I believe the implications of his words are profound and stand on their own. "When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most…
Part one can be found here and part two can be found here. You can find part three here. Part four can be found here. This has been a fun series for me to write. I have had a lot of people contact me to tell me how much they agree. I have had some…
My friend Michelle Luce sent me an article she wrote on this topic today. In it she shares the following quote. “But if you gush over mediocrity, there’s no way to distinguish truly outstanding. If the losers get the same trophies as the winners, what’s the point of even trying?”http://changingminds.org/articles/articles11/why_giving_trophy.htm ~Lisa Earle McLeod
Part one can be found here and part two can be found here. You can find part three here. What has been the cause of this idea that everyone should win just for showing up? Certainly, part of it is good intentions. Of course, there is an old saying about the path to a certain…
“If everyone is leading, no one is.” (7)