Life is hard. Really hard. We can create a culture of encouragement.
Media Monday is a series where I focus on something that I have created in another form of media. It's designed to help cross multiple learning styles.
Life is hard. Really hard. We can create a culture of encouragement.
Media Monday is a series where I focus on something that I have created in another form of media. It's designed to help cross multiple learning styles.
Did you know that yesterday is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year? At least that is what I read on Facebook. I was thinking about the lack of sunshine as I was driving to an appointment today. It’s bitter cold, there is little sunshine, the wind is blowing almost non-stop. It’s…
In my profession, you hear a lot of pain filled stories. You hear how people’s lives have been wrecked. Sometimes, by their own choices and often by the choices of others. In fact, my job has taught me one thing. Pain is inevitable for everyone. Sometimes, we do it to ourselves We quit when we…
I can’t save every one of those kids that is on that 140,000 list. And I can do everything in my power to help the ones that I can help. And here’s the whole point of the story: when you are truly passionate about something, it will affect the people around you.
I found this video via Jonathon Brink. I found the thoughts in it to be honest, real and quite frankly amazing. One of my favorite quotes is, "When you ask people about love, they will tell you about breakup." Enjoy!
What’s even better than changed behavior is not having to put a fire out.
So what’s my wife’s rule? Well, you’ve probably figured it out by now, but just in case you have not, here it is.
The following is a post I wrote for a local publication. Thinking About Therapy? Let’s talk about some common questions. (Part 1) With the pandemic going on, our lives are continually facing difficulties and disappointments from last year’s lost graduations to lost sports seasons. Some are undoubtedly minor inconveniences, while others are events and possibilities…