Well, of course, we want to get in on the Cyber Monday sale fun!
I'm so excited about Cyber Monday (my wife says that Amazon is my website of choice) that we're going to have an offer all week.
Anyone who registers for Hopes and Dreams 2014 between today and Friday, December 6th at 11:59pm will get their choice of a Joe Martino Counseling Mug or a Joe Martino Counseling T Shirt. The conference this year will be at the Ramada Inn on the corner of 28th and M37 (Commonly known as the Beltline). 

We're offering two conferences in one day this year and I am so excited to remind everyone that we are offering a name your own price feature. We believe this information can improve everyone's relationship and while I think it's important that people pay something, I don't want money to get in teh way of them learning these tools.

So head on over to the Hopes and Dreams tab and register today.

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