Today is my anniversary! I am pretty excited about it so I want to give something away. I’m looking forward to giving all sorts of good things away over the upcoming days. We’re going to be giving away a book by a local author, gift certificates and all sorts of cool gifts.

Today, I am going to give away free tickets to my upcoming marriage conference at Impact Church in Lowell. This is a 2.0 conference, which means that even if you have been to last year’s conference we are going to have some amazing new material for you to digest. At this conference, you will learn how to dissect past stress moments (some might call these fights) and learn what led to the fight so that you can make positive changes for the future.

You will learn to build upon a common language. You will learn to examine your interactional relationship style and how that is impacting your relationships. You will learn about your attachment style and how that is impacting your relationship with your spouse.

This conference is a fun and interactive weekend.

It is March 9th and 10th. Exact times can be found by contacting the church.

Here’s how you can win free tickets:

  1. Like my professional Facebook page. You can find it here. (If you’ve already liked it, you’re good to go)
  2. Tweet this post on your twitter account. Add @joemartino to the tweet so I know.
  3. If you don’t have twitter, you can simply share the link to this post on your Facebook wall (you can use the like button at the bottom of this post). Be sure to tag me in the post so I know
  4. Subscribe to my blog’s feed by putting your email address in the subscribe box next to my picture. Be sure to confirm the email address.

I will randomly pick a winner for two free tickets at my sole discretion this Friday.

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