Ep. 246. We will Benefit from Creating a Rhythm of Thankfulness.

It’s Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday! And for many, it’s been a challenging year. And for others, holidays are often tough and challenging days full of pain, sorrow, and disappointment. But…But what happens if we intentionally take this time to be thankful no matter our circumstances? What would happen if we were to create a rhythm…

The Power of a Simple Phrase to Handle Most Parenting and Relationship Situations. Podcast Episode 243.

The phrase “tell me more” holds significant power in parenting. When parents employ this simple yet empathetic request, it opens the door for open communication between them and their children. By inviting their children to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, parents create a safe space where trust can flourish. This phrase demonstrates active listening,…

240. Beliefs over Emotions: A Journey Beyond Feelings

Belief is fundamentally about action, not just fleeting feelings or passive thoughts. It is the driving force behind our decisions and behaviors, shaping the way we interact with the world. While feelings and emotions can be part of belief systems, true belief manifests in our actions and choices. A person's convictions are most evident not…

239. “Embrace the Discontent: Finding Peace in Not Loving What You Do”

In the age of motivational speakers, self-help books, and inspirational Instagram quotes, there’s an overwhelming emphasis on loving what you do. The message seems clear: if you’re not head over heels passionate about your job, you’re doing something wrong. But what about the majority of us who find ourselves not always enamored with our work?…

New Episode #235. Did It not Work or Do We need to Be Willing to Fail Some More

Our lives are full of possibilities. With that comes the potential for failure. When we face failure, we will often face uncomfortable emotions. These emotions can lead us to the conclusion that “it didn’t work.”But was that really the problem?Did it not work? Or….Did we need to keep going until we succeeded? It doesn’t work…