Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they’ve got a second. (17)
– William James
Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they’ve got a second. (17)
– William James
The measure of a healthy relationship is not how quickly conflict is resolved. A better measurement is how long conflict can go unresolved and not become personal. (27)
The real challenge of wholehearted parenting is to be the adults that we want our children to grow up to be. (21) ~Bené Brown
People who have control issues are usually trying to live a pain free life. (14)
Eventually everyone has to move beyond the wounds and the hurts they experienced as children and learn to parent their own children in a new and better way. The excuse that I didn't have good parents simply won't fly in the end.We need to stop the cycle. Beyond that we need to move to the…
"Loyalty affects you on a daily basis- with family, with friends, & in your profession. It's a matter of trust & respect. Loyalty is a selfless proposition. If people trust you, you're loyal, you can accomplish anything. " Yogi Berra (37)
Two golden rules of teaching:"If you have not read a book, always make it clear to the students you have not done so; and (tangentially related) if you do not know the answer to a question, admit you do not know the answer. The desire of the teacher to appear omniscient must be resisted at…