"It's not about how much time I have left, it's about how I spend the time I do have left."
~Ed Dobson (22)
"It's not about how much time I have left, it's about how I spend the time I do have left."
~Ed Dobson (22)
"Punting on feedback makes the (inevitable) truth that much harder to take." (12) ~Kaja Perina
"Loyalty affects you on a daily basis- with family, with friends, & in your profession. It's a matter of trust & respect. Loyalty is a selfless proposition. If people trust you, you're loyal, you can accomplish anything. " Yogi Berra (37)
Great quote! "We tend to add complexities to our challenges because if the problem is simple to solve, then we have to change. And change is scary. So when faced with a challenge we really don’t want to fix, we tend to overcomplicate the issues." (43) Acuff, Jon (2013-04-23). Start: Punch Fear in the Face,…
The following post is a guest post by my wife, Erica. The topic of parenting is such an important one. So often, it seems to us that parents turn to shame and humiliation in order to get results and often feel trapped. Read on for Erica's thoughts. Several days ago a video swept the Internet,…
If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again. (24) ~Ashley Hess
Most of the time we want our situation to change when in reality we need to change who we are in relation to the situation. Situations cannot define us, how we respond to those situations often does define us. We need to increase our ability to stand up and carry on. (50)