"I realized people prefer to define us by what we do rather than take the time to discover who we are. Titles serve a quicker fix, which allows people to classify us without actually understanding us." (36)
~Kary Oberbrunner in Your Secret Name.
"I realized people prefer to define us by what we do rather than take the time to discover who we are. Titles serve a quicker fix, which allows people to classify us without actually understanding us." (36)
~Kary Oberbrunner in Your Secret Name.
Forgiveness does not mean reconciliation. So many times around the holidays people will allow themselves to be in a destructive situation because they want to reconcile with a family member that has hurt or abandoned them. They mistake the idea of reconciliation—which takes both parties with forgiveness. Forgiveness only involves one party. Forgiving a person…
You have to decide how you define success. This is how you will measure your life when you have spent it and make no mistake you're spending it. Every day, with every choice that you are making you are limiting yourself from other choices. And if you try to avoid that by not making any…
What 40 years has taught me: 1. Family and friends matter more than anything. 2. No matter how much you plan and pray, things are going to turn out the way they turn out. But plan and pray anyway. 3. People's situations are relative. But it's not your job to make it relative. It's your…
To a greater or lesser degree, all people suffer from inadequacies of their flexible response systems. Much of the work of psychotherapy consists of attempting to help our patients allow or make their response systems become more flexible. Peck, M. Scott
"It is not enough to have the courage of your convictions, but you must also have the courage to have your convictions challenged." (emphasis his) ~Christopher Phillips
Most of the time we want our situation to change when in reality we need to change who we are in relation to the situation. Situations cannot define us, how we respond to those situations often does define us. We need to increase our ability to stand up and carry on. (50)