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Bullying, What can I do when it is someone else being bullied?

There are a host of websites online that deal with what bullying is. Wikipedia has an excellent summary of what it is and the negative effects of bullying. They even have a section that talks about how some people think there is a few potential benefits to being bullied. There are even websites that talk…


Failure is impossible for high school students! (No, really) on Shine

So is this an inspired move to get those marginal students on track and learning, or just another way in which we’re coddling underachieving kids and hobbling the rest? Parents, educators and students are divided. Mary Mathewson, an English teacher at Potomac High tells the Post that the new standard not only cripples teachers in…


America and the ‘Fun’ Generation – NYTimes.com

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS — From the first years of the American republic, a quiet battle has simmered over the words that denote the nation’s soul. And now a count can declare the victors: “achievement” and “fun.” via www.nytimes.com Heard about this article via stayoutofschool.com. What are your thoughts about it? Have we lost sight of excellence?…