“Work hard enough, long enough and eventually success becomes a mathematical equation.”
~Dr. Robert Lehman
“Work hard enough, long enough and eventually success becomes a mathematical equation.”
~Dr. Robert Lehman
"I realized people prefer to define us by what we do rather than take the time to discover who we are. Titles serve a quicker fix, which allows people to classify us without actually understanding us." (36) ~Kary Oberbrunner in Your Secret Name.
Being hurt by someone is not an excuse to hurt someone else. We have very little control over the hurt that is inflicted upon us but we have 100% control over what we do with that hurt. Do we turn it into motivation for something good and redemptive or do we revel in it, making…
“Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude.” (10) Viktor Frankl
The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything. (15) ~Teddy Roosevelt
You have to decide how you define success. This is how you will measure your life when you have spent it and make no mistake you're spending it. Every day, with every choice that you are making you are limiting yourself from other choices. And if you try to avoid that by not making any…
It's not facebook, twitter, or any other "thing" that is wrong with our society. If someone is a bully on facebook, then he's probably a bully in real life. If someone is narcissistic on Twitter, she’s probably the same way in real life. Tools don’t make us anything, they simply reveal what is there. That’s…