“Work hard enough, long enough and eventually success becomes a mathematical equation.”
~Dr. Robert Lehman
“Work hard enough, long enough and eventually success becomes a mathematical equation.”
~Dr. Robert Lehman
“Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude.” (10) Viktor Frankl
What 40 years has taught me: 1. Family and friends matter more than anything. 2. No matter how much you plan and pray, things are going to turn out the way they turn out. But plan and pray anyway. 3. People's situations are relative. But it's not your job to make it relative. It's your…
My friend Michelle Luce sent me an article she wrote on this topic today. In it she shares the following quote. “But if you gush over mediocrity, there’s no way to distinguish truly outstanding. If the losers get the same trophies as the winners, what’s the point of even trying?”http://changingminds.org/articles/articles11/why_giving_trophy.htm ~Lisa Earle McLeod
"It's not about how much time I have left, it's about how I spend the time I do have left." ~Ed Dobson (22)
Being hurt by someone is not an excuse to hurt someone else. We have very little control over the hurt that is inflicted upon us but we have 100% control over what we do with that hurt. Do we turn it into motivation for something good and redemptive or do we revel in it, making…
"Punting on feedback makes the (inevitable) truth that much harder to take." (12) ~Kaja Perina