"It's not about how much time I have left, it's about how I spend the time I do have left."
~Ed Dobson (22)
"It's not about how much time I have left, it's about how I spend the time I do have left."
~Ed Dobson (22)
Two golden rules of teaching:"If you have not read a book, always make it clear to the students you have not done so; and (tangentially related) if you do not know the answer to a question, admit you do not know the answer. The desire of the teacher to appear omniscient must be resisted at…
People who have control issues are usually trying to live a pain free life. (14)
“Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how'.” (13) Viktor Frankl
We have to be willing to be afraid; to face our fear—often our deepest fears in order to actually accomplish almost anything meaningful in life. No matter what we want to accomplish, we have to be willing to move beyond comfort to fear. (44)
Eventually everyone has to move beyond the wounds and the hurts they experienced as children and learn to parent their own children in a new and better way. The excuse that I didn't have good parents simply won't fly in the end.We need to stop the cycle. Beyond that we need to move to the…
"I realized people prefer to define us by what we do rather than take the time to discover who we are. Titles serve a quicker fix, which allows people to classify us without actually understanding us." (36) ~Kary Oberbrunner in Your Secret Name.