It is more important to teach people how to think than it is to teach them what to think.(19)
~Jon Richey
It is more important to teach people how to think than it is to teach them what to think.(19)
~Jon Richey
People who have control issues are usually trying to live a pain free life. (14)
“When you assume negative intent, you’re angry. If you take away that anger and assume positive intent, you will be amazed.… You don’t get defensive. You don’t scream. You are trying to understand and listen because at your basic core you are saying, ‘Maybe they are saying something to me that I’m not hearing.” Indra…
Love is sacrifice. When we start to demand our rights we have stopped loving our spouse or our kids. When we stop sacrificing, we stop loving. Love goes against logic, which tells us to look out for ourselves first and foremost. Love and sacrifice cannot be seperated. (47)
My friend Michelle Luce sent me an article she wrote on this topic today. In it she shares the following quote. “But if you gush over mediocrity, there’s no way to distinguish truly outstanding. If the losers get the same trophies as the winners, what’s the point of even trying?” ~Lisa Earle McLeod
"The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself." — Anna Quindlen (24)
Eventually everyone has to move beyond the wounds and the hurts they experienced as children and learn to parent their own children in a new and better way. The excuse that I didn't have good parents simply won't fly in the end.We need to stop the cycle. Beyond that we need to move to the…