It is more important to teach people how to think than it is to teach them what to think.(19)
~Jon Richey
It is more important to teach people how to think than it is to teach them what to think.(19)
~Jon Richey
Forgiveness does not mean reconciliation. So many times around the holidays people will allow themselves to be in a destructive situation because they want to reconcile with a family member that has hurt or abandoned them. They mistake the idea of reconciliation—which takes both parties with forgiveness. Forgiveness only involves one party. Forgiving a person…
My friend Michelle Luce sent me an article she wrote on this topic today. In it she shares the following quote. “But if you gush over mediocrity, there’s no way to distinguish truly outstanding. If the losers get the same trophies as the winners, what’s the point of even trying?” ~Lisa Earle McLeod
“Work hard enough, long enough and eventually success becomes a mathematical equation.” ~Dr. Robert Lehman
If we are going to be truly happy, we have to learn to be content. Most of the time, we fixate on our lack of happiness thinking that we can become happier by getting that thing, whatever that thing is. We cannot worship at the alter of happiness and truly expect to be happy. Happiness…
We have to be willing to be afraid; to face our fear—often our deepest fears in order to actually accomplish almost anything meaningful in life. No matter what we want to accomplish, we have to be willing to move beyond comfort to fear. (44)
Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. -William Feather (17)