“Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude.” (10)
Viktor Frankl
“Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude.” (10)
Viktor Frankl
Everyone has anxiety and stress. It is in how you have prepared for it and how you deal with that matters. Very rarely is the "event" actually an emergency or insurmountable obstacle. Our reactions to or lack of preparation for stressful situations are what we need to monitor. It is important to be able to…
"Too often we give our children answers to remember rather than problems to solve." (14) ~Roger Lewin (as quoted by @AutismTips on Twitter).
What 40 years has taught me: 1. Family and friends matter more than anything. 2. No matter how much you plan and pray, things are going to turn out the way they turn out. But plan and pray anyway. 3. People's situations are relative. But it's not your job to make it relative. It's your…
Faith is problematic because it requires us to embrace the mess. In the rawness of faith, we must embrace the idea that there things we cannot see and hope means we may have to wait. Waiting is often hard and sometimes, painful. But faith and hope are worth it.
Each one of us responds to life stressful's situations the way we do for a reason. We are hardwired as human beings—truly created and programmed to: Long for deep, lasting, ans satisfying relationships Seek, search, and live for a destiny that is greater than ourselves. At the heart of these factors are two essential questions…
Forgiveness does not mean reconciliation. So many times around the holidays people will allow themselves to be in a destructive situation because they want to reconcile with a family member that has hurt or abandoned them. They mistake the idea of reconciliation—which takes both parties with forgiveness. Forgiveness only involves one party. Forgiving a person…