"It is not enough to have the courage of your convictions, but you must also have the courage to have your convictions challenged." (emphasis his)
~Christopher Phillips
"It is not enough to have the courage of your convictions, but you must also have the courage to have your convictions challenged." (emphasis his)
~Christopher Phillips
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. (24) ~Abraham Lincoln
“When you assume negative intent, you’re angry. If you take away that anger and assume positive intent, you will be amazed.… You don’t get defensive. You don’t scream. You are trying to understand and listen because at your basic core you are saying, ‘Maybe they are saying something to me that I’m not hearing.” Indra…
If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again. (24) ~Ashley Hess
The following post is a guest post by my wife, Erica. The topic of parenting is such an important one. So often, it seems to us that parents turn to shame and humiliation in order to get results and often feel trapped. Read on for Erica's thoughts. Several days ago a video swept the Internet,…
My friend Michelle Luce sent me an article she wrote on this topic today. In it she shares the following quote. “But if you gush over mediocrity, there’s no way to distinguish truly outstanding. If the losers get the same trophies as the winners, what’s the point of even trying?”http://changingminds.org/articles/articles11/why_giving_trophy.htm ~Lisa Earle McLeod
You have to decide how you define success. This is how you will measure your life when you have spent it and make no mistake you're spending it. Every day, with every choice that you are making you are limiting yourself from other choices. And if you try to avoid that by not making any…